Monday, November 30, 2015

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho It's Off To Mayo We Go...

Well...The time has come...
We are headed toward warm weather and sunny tropical beaches
Wait...colder freezing weather and not a palm tree in sight???
Bummer bears.
I guess we'll just have to convince our little reindeer to fly us up there before Santa needs him in a few weeks!!
So, we have been waiting for this appt for so long and while I am so sad because I know the litany of tests he will have to go through, I am trying to remain so hopeful that we can figure out what is going on with our sweet boy.
The two trials have been brought to a halt simply because while Neocate seems to be safe for him but we can't get him to drink it. We've tried EVERYTHING...sooo if anyone has any advice about that please email me at However, it smells like freezer burnt ice cream and old cough syrup so I can't really blame him.....
We also started our trial of grass fed, cage free turkeys and while it appeared we may actually have a safe food each passing day he is getting fussier and last night I'm pretty sure he cried more than he slept so I am anxious to see what his scans show tomorrow.
I had this really odd moment that I'm sure FPIES parents can sympathize with...he started eating a straw wrapper yesterday and I realized in that moment it is weird but it is actually safer for him to eat straw wrappers than food....and since he was kindof enjoying himself I just let him chew on it because I'm pretty certain their are no food proteins in paper....If only they were nutritious!

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